NEWSLETTER May 2018 Volume 26 Number 4
Summer is upon us! The rains will mon-SOON be here! Water is life. We are lucky to have our own deep well at the school. This year was a lot of fun and you can see it in the yearbooks, which should be done by the 24th, we are asking for $8 per copy. (The total cost is $15.)
Due to lack of interest the camping trip has been cancelled. We will still have a picnic on the last day and a parent potluck that evening – Thursday, May 24th at 6pm.
We still need to know who is coming back next year so we can do our planning. Please return the Letter of Intent even if you do not know what you are doing next year. There is a box to check for that. We also need the Video Release forms.
Next year’s tuition will be the same as this year, but our financial aid and trade policies have changed. Parents will need to bring in proof of income to calculate financial aid amounts, also any extenuating circumstances that might affect that amount. Trade hours will be valued at $40 an hour, except for cleaning, which will be valued at $80 an hour. Parents will be responsible to making sure they fulfill their trade hours.
Next year’s Community Work Days will be Sunday, August 26th to Saturday, September 1st. Moe will be cooking up his usual storm, so there will be lots of food to eat. Let’s work together to make the school beautiful for our children. Your contribution is needed and appreciated. We look forward to seeing you and catching up.
The first day of our regular program will be the day after labor Day, Tuesday, September 4th. Please make sure you have signed the newly designed Enrollment Contract and Parent Agreements forms by then. Many thanks to Michael Gushard for his beautiful work and if anyone needs any online or physical graphic design work his email address is
This year we welcomed a large contingent of new students. We spent much effort learning to get along with each other and creating a culture of kindness. A good learning community has been forming and we look forward to next year when we will reap the benefits of this year’s work. It is an exciting time. We look forward to seeing all the children next year. They always grow so much.
The world we are experiencing today is the result of our collective consciousness, and if we want a new world, each of us must start taking responsibility for helping create it. — Rosemary Fillmore Rhea